Pakistan Society for Microbiology (PSM), was established in 1974 on the initiative of late Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ali Anwer – who also founded the very first Department of Microbiology at the University of Karachi in 1957. Due to his pioneering efforts in promoting the teaching and research in the broad fields of Microbiology and his contributions in the form of human resource development, Prof. Anwer is known as the Father of Microbiology in Pakistan.
For over four decades, PSM has been very actively pursuing the objectives of promoting teaching and research in the areas of Science and Technology in general and Microbiology in particular. Additionally, PSM is also engaged in creating general awareness about scientific knowledge, and applications of Microbiological sciences in the fields of Food and Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Biosafety and Biosecurity, Diagnostics, Public Health, Industrial Biotechnology in Pakistan. PSM does this by regularly organizing seminars, training workshops, courses, Biennial Microbiology Conferences and Symposia in collaboration with the American Society for Microbiology and other national societies who are members of Consortium of Scientific Societies of Pakistan (CSSP), as well as various industries. Under the Global Outreach Program of ASM, all PSM members are eligible to be members of both societies.